The Insistence of Memory: Book Discussion Questions

These book discussion questions are also included in the back of The Insistence of Memory. They may be helpful if you’re reading this novel with a book club or as a way to delve deeper into the story on your own.

Note: Spoilers ahead. Haven’t read the book yet? Learn more here: The Insistence of Memory

  1. The Insistence of Memory takes place in Parkview, an economically depressed small town, and in Bristol, a nearby suburb with a large research lab. How does this setting shape the characters? What are some perceptions the characters may have about people who are from Parkview and those who came from elsewhere to work at the lab?
  2. The memory machine in this story inspires excitement, fear, and confusion. How might you feel if this machine existed? Would you like to view other people’s memories? Would you want other people to view your memories?
  3. In some ways, the adult relationship between Andy and Eleanor suggests similarities to the relationship Joanne had with Mark in high school. How do you feel about these relationships? What moments, if any, did you see as signs that these relationships would end badly?
  4. When David explains the birds in the park, Eleanor and Joanne do not like the idea of their memories being manipulated. What are some of the ethical concerns around this memory machine? How might our memories be manipulated even without a machine like this?
  5. Joanne worries that Sarah and Ruthie won’t remember Jeff when they grow up. How do you feel about her idea of recording her own memories of Jeff to play for them when they are older?
  6. In Doug’s version of events (shared with David at the doughnut shop), Andy is solely responsible for everything that has happened with the memory machine. How do you feel about that?
  7. As both a lawyer and a friend of the family, Doug has protected Joanne since her parents died. Do you think he knows what really happened to Mark out on the bridge? How do you feel about the truth being hidden?
  8. What do you think happens after the book ends? Do Eleanor and Joanne find a place to raise their children away from Parkview? Does Andy still have a place in their lives? Does David build a new memory machine?

Look for The Insistence of Memory at Amazon or wherever you buy books.