Meanwhile at the Podcast, Enough Wicker, and Me

Having my own podcast is fun, being a guest on other podcasts is delightful! Especially during my last guest spot, where I was invited to talk about the Golden Girls on Meanwhile at the Podcast along with the hosts of Enough Wicker! Now… if you don’t know these podcasts, you should definitely check them out!

Meanwhile at the Podcast

This was my second guest spot on Meanwhile at the Podcast, a pop-culture show hosted by my friends George Hanna, Kristin Gollhofer, and Rodney Roberts (aka the Art Nerrd). My first appearance on their show was back on episode 103 where we mostly talked about my books and my Freely Written podcast.

During that episode, Kristin and George read stories they’d free-written, using my write from a prompt with no planning approach, and I loved hearing their results. Free writing without a plan is such a great way to exercise your creativity!

Meanwhile at the Podcast logo

Enough Wicker

On Enough Wicker, hosts Lauren Kelly and Sarah Royal discuss each episode of the Golden Girls, bringing both hilarious observations and scholarly analysis to this beloved ’80s sitcom. They also have “very special episodes” where expert guests share their take on our fabulous foursome.

At the end of 2021, they ran a contest where fans could submit their own five-minute scholarly takes on the Golden Girls. Both George and I had our submissions selected for the very special fan episode, which you can listen to here.

Enough Wicker podcast logo

Bitter Butter Memories

Since George and I were both included in their fan-submission episode, George thought it would be fun to get us all together on Meanwhile at the Podcast to talk more about the Golden Girls and cover some other topical subjects, like the shows we’re each currently watching, the Winter Olympics, and our thoughts on banned books. It’s Meanwhile at the Podcast episode 146, Bitter Butter Memories.

For me, it was exciting to chat with Sarah and Lauren. I’ve listened to every episode of Enough Wicker and love laughing along with their funny and insightful takes on the show. (Who doesn’t love the Golden Girls?!) While George was hosting solo for this episode, it’s always fun to be a part of the Meanwhile at the Podcast world. Hopefully, I’ll get a chance to pop in again sometime!

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